Monday, January 30, 2012

Small steps

While the project on my daemonette is coming to an end the visible steps are smaller. It will be the first miniature 'I am going to finish this year (and in general for a long time).

In kleinen Schritten nähere ich mich dem Ziel. Die erste Miniatur, welche ich in diesem Jahr fertigstellen werde, ist ganz bewusst jene, welche ich auf dem Workshop bei jarhead begonnen habe.

Visible things compared to the last pictures I`ve showed you is my first try at creating real blood. There are also some dots on the skin, just to give it a try. Maybe I shall mention that it`s not my goal to paint this daemonette in a super-duper quality. It`s more to try this and that to see how it works and what I could do better the next time.

Seit den letzten Bildern hat sich nur wenig sichtbares getan. Ich habe meine ersten Gehversuche mit Blut hinter mir und einige Flecken auf der Haut hinzugefügt.  Mein Ziel an dieser Miniatur ist es nicht, sie besonders herausragend zu bemalen sondernv ielmehr das ein oder andere auszuüprobieren - es ist und bleibt somit eine Workshop-Mini.

Still not finished, but close to the end. Just the hair will get some final touches to make it interesting. Everything else will stay as it is. It`s still hard for me to keep concentration on just one project. Be sure to see several projects going on before the next one will be finished.`even if it`s really tiny!

Der letzte schritt werden die Haare sein,. diese wirken noch sehr flach und langweilig. Alles weietre werde ich auf jetzigem Stand belassen und mich dem nächsten Projekt widmen - steht bereits vorbereitet auf der werkbank und ist... sehr klein ;) Es fällt mir weietrhin schwer, mich auf nur ein Projekt zu konzentrieren, bis dieses abgeschlossen ist. somit bleibt es wohl bei Sprunghaftigen Wechseln zwischen diversen Projekten.

The winter in germany is coming lately, first snow was falling down - just 2 days before the sun has visited us and left some very nice impressions:

Der Winter kommt dieses Jahr spät - kurz bevor wir den ersten Schnee hatten, schenkte uns die sonne noch einige tolle Impressionen, hier ist eine davon:

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Words of Wisdom

I ve read this in a german novel

Ringsum war gelungene Anstrengung, aber hier war mühelose Vollkommenheit.

Translated it would be something like that : " surrounding me was well done effort , but here was efortless perfection "

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Some Morning music

Slowly I am going to be awake completely.

While my son is playing together with my wife with some small cars I am enjoying several cups of coffee and relaxing a bit. 

This is something that is going to give me the right mood for an upcoming project:

Btw, did you know that there's a new film coming soon? The Hobbit...can't wait to see it!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Workshop Daemonette

Together with Steffen I`ve visited the beginners painting class of Massive Voodoo in Hamburg.

As it was my first workshop there I had to paint a Daemonette from Games Workshop. It`s a great workshop where Roman aka Jarhead spreads his knowledge all over and shares his wisdom and own experiences when it comes to paint miniatures. Beside this he taught us how to use colors in different combinations and for example how to get a real structure and focus to the base.

Here`s my current result - still not finished:

You can find a review of this painting class in German language right here and here is the review written by Roman itself with a bunch of very cool pictures of this wonderful weekend.

Let`s lean back and relax while listening to some classical music (you`ll get some more with every post I do):

Master Wu

I want to show you my actual paintjop i am working on. I ve startet it on the Massive Voodoo Workhop in Hamburg this Januar which was so impressive and inspiring again! What you see is almost done on one and a half day of painting. I thought it would be nice not to paint a slaying bloody gore oriented miniature again.

The story so far : Master Wu is on his journey of meditation, riding his blind old turtle with a lot of chi, happiness and satisfaction in his body an mind. He is practicing wu wei, what meens he s doing something without doing anything. So it doesnt matter how long this joerney will take even the plants already grab at him , as long he gots his chi and all that little happy pets around him that are attracticting by his positive energy that flows aorund him....

A new life begins...

Make 4 out of 3 - this blog is getting more and more into life. Beside this there`s something special that makes my heart going boom boom. Take a closer look on your own. This blog will grow as continuously as this little fellow:

Words of wisdom

There are just two days in the year good for doing nothing : tomorrow an yesterday, so today is the right one for love, faith an live.
Dalai lama

ZEN Garden

Some relaxing music - just nice for painting, or just chilling: